lør. 15. okt.
|Teater Møn
Asterions Hus has created a new form of international dance and theater festival at Teater Møn. The festival is called To the Moon and it takes place on October 15th and 16th. Here you can experience 13 performances from both national and international artists.
Tid og sted
15. okt. 2022, 11.00 – 16. okt. 2022, 15.00
Teater Møn, Klintholm Havnevej 52, 4791 Borre, Danmark
Om eventet
See the entire program here:
Partout tickets, which give access to all performances on both days, can be bought for DKK 500. It is also possible to buy tickets for the individual days and even for the individual performances separately.
Partout Saturday and Sunday DKK 500. Partout Saturday DKK 400. Partout Sunday DKK 300. Individual performances DKK 125 per performance.
Send an email to - but hurry, there is a rather limited number of tickets for sale - and the tickets include lunch and dinner.